the beautiful people
....smiling, laughing, wide eyes, sad face, crying, loving, holding, protecting, running, walking, riding, strolling, pushing, swimming, boarding, sliding, sledging, driving, falling, rolling, playing, sitting, lying, watching, waiting, anticipating, hoping, trusting, longing, daydreaming, pondering, considering, deliberating, deciding, sleeping, awakening, celebrating, being thankful, praying, believing, understanding, belonging, inspiring....

Proud memories after my eldest nephew (second left) and his football team went on to win the cup in 2014.

My sister and her youngest son enjoy the snow, January 2015.

During a great meal for my parents' ruby wedding anniversary - here there are four generations of our family.

Proud memories after my eldest nephew (second left) and his football team went on to win the cup in 2014.